Toxic leather children clothes

Again and again there are recalls for children’s shoes and other articles of clothing made of leather. The reason: they are contaminated with the carcinogenic chromium VI. The allergen is formed during the tanning process with chromium. A study by Öko-Test a few years ago found that not a single children’s shoe was free of harmful substances – chromium VI was detected in one in five children’s shoes.

How to find a vegan alternative

There are a variety of vegan children’s shoes that are not made of animal leather. In the store, you should simply pay attention to the labeling: If you find a leather symbol, you should rather stay away from it. The symbol is usually attached to the shoes as a sticker or is located on the tongue of the shoe.

Material labeling is a clear indication of what materials have been used.

What you as a consumer can do about it

If you want to save the animals and the workers from your suffering, you can buy shoes and other textiles that are not made of leather. There are now a large number of vegan and sustainable alternatives. These have now reached the stage where they possess all the product properties of animal leather.

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